Frequently Asked Questions
1. How is Mind Your Business different from other enrichment programs?
Mind Your Business provides several advantages:
Interactive learning. Unlike many enrichment classes, the kids learn through hands-on, team-based problem solving, not just by listening.
Continuous improvement. Class meets for 3-10 sessions, allowing students’ strategies to evolve and concepts to be reinforced from session to session.
Greater interaction with business mentor. Every class is facilitated by Mind Your Business founder with over 20 years of professional business experience.
Something for everyone. Just like in the real business world, students can experience a variety of tasks and roles that may develop strengths or interests.
Use of real-life business case studies. Presenting examples of companies the students know makes learning relevant and inspirational.
Customizable course content. We can incorporate digital learning tools (e.g., spreadsheets or presentation tools) or apply additional math concepts.
2. What geographic area do you cover?
Mind Your Business currently offers our in-school and extracurricular programs northwest of Boston in the Merrimack Valley of Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire.
3. Are virtual program options are available?
If your community is currently outside our geographic area or has social-distancing guidelines due to Covid-19, a virtual program may be great option to give kids a chance to experience our business simulation through Zoom video conferencing. Up to 10 students can be accommodated per session. Contact us to discuss your needs.
4. How are teachers involved?
Your Mind Your Business facilitator meets with teachers before the sessions start to review the curriculum in detail and ensure the program meets their needs. While the course is taught and facilitated by Mind Your Business, teachers are encouraged to participate in the simulation.
5. Are volunteers welcome?
Yes! We welcome 1 or 2 parents per session to play a role in our business simulation. It’s easy and fun!
6. What type of learning space is required for your in-school and extracurricular programs?
Mind Your Business needs a dedicated learning space such as a classroom, library, or maker space with tables or cleared desks grouped to make “office” workspaces.
7. What are the in-school and extracurricular technology requirements?
In-school program technology requirements:
Smartboard or projection screen for Mind Your Business presentations
Optional: computers for each company to complete worksheets online using Wifi instead of on paper
8. I’m a parent or a PTO member, how can I bring your program to my school?
Please contact us to discuss your program needs and connect us with your school’s curriculum enrichment coordinator, PTO board or other administrators. We will be happy to introduce our program and answer any questions via an in-person or videoconference meeting.
9. Is my donation tax-deductible?
Yes, Mind Your Business is 501(c)3 non-profit organization (Tax ID 84-4993607) and donations are tax-deductible. Donate here.
10. I have a business in the local community. How can I get involved?
We welcome the opportunity to engage with local businesses in order to strengthen the connection for our students between what they learn in our program and how real businesses in their communities operate. Please contact us to discuss opportunities for you to support our mission.